Wat 02 and Wat 03 credits
improved water leak detection and prevention products to help
achieve BREEAM Wat 02 and Wat 03 credits with the AquiTron
AT-WFM Automatic Water Shut-off Valve and the AquiTron
AT-OFC Occupancy Flow Control

Aquilar is committed to providing high-quality products; with our excellent product warranty service, you can depend on first-class quality, reliability, and peace of mind.

Formally invented and manufactured by the Raychem Corporation and then merged into one of the many products and services offered within the Thermal Controls business.

What seems like an insignificant problem can cost millions when it comes to lost computer data, downed telecommunications switches, damaged files, ruined works of art, or water-soaked rare books. Personnel safety can be threatened by roof leaks in buildings, or by fire from water-caused electrical
short circuits.

For example, in some states it will soon be mandatory for pipelines to be cable protected, and the financial consequences of a leak or spill on an unprotected facility will be enormously punitive.
Oil leak detection will become
a priority.

Danger to life and property apart, cleanup operations and downtime can be expensive, litigious, and damaging to your reputation and you may have only one chance to provide early detection and warning of a catastrophic chemical leak.

Especially considering the increasing price of refrigerant gas, not to mention emergency service call-out costs to find, detect and repair leaks of freon, HFC's HCFC's, plus the wasted man-hours that can be incurred.