A leak, large or small from overhead water pipes, seepage or flooding can cause irrevocable damage to priceless artefacts, documents and/or paintings.
Exhibition Hall / Archives / Storage Rooms
The Threat
The Solution
Installing TT1000 leak detection cable around the perimeter of the area will detect the presence of water immediately and damage can be prevented. Other options include laying TT1000 directly under low level pipework or TT1100-OHP directly to overhead pipework.
For small areas a single zone alarm panel is usually adequate as a leak can be spotted quickly, however if there are other areas that need covering, a multi zone alarm or digital system (AT-MZA/ TTDM) would be more appropriate.

Flooding can cause irrevocable damage to priceless artefacts.

TT1000 water sensing cable installed within a raised floor covering CRAC units and flow & return pipework.

Sensing cable can be fitted at high or low level to detect leaks from water services.