AquiTron AT G Alert C

AquiTron AT-G-ALERT-C Refrigerant Leak Monitor

The AT-G-ALERT-C Refrigerant Leak Monitor provides centralised monitoring and alarming for multi-occupant applications utilising the AT-G-ALERT Refrigerant Leak Detectors. The AT-G-ALERT-C continuously monitors all connected devices for alarm and fault conditions and will provide alerts via the integrated colour touchscreen and built-in relays.

Visual Status Indication:
At a glance visualisation of whole system alarm, fault, or connectivity status

Integrates with Refrigerant Detectors: Centralised monitoring for multi-occupant applications utilising the AT-G-ALERT refrigerant detector

Continuous update: Continuously monitors all connected AT-G-ALERT detectors for alarm and fault conditions, ensuring and warning in case of any disconnect

Relay Outputs:
1 Alarm Relay; 1 Fault Relay; automatic system action to be taken for fault or alarm condition via built-in relays

Modbus TCP Master, 10/100 Ethernet, RJ45 Port

Event Log: Rolling event log of 100 most recent events (alarms, faults, connectivity, etc.) saved to SD card

Broad Network:
Up to 100 devices connected into a single network, grouped into manageable blocks with up to 15 AT-G-ALERT refrigerant detectors per gateway

Device ID Auto-assign:
Commissioning via dynamic device pairing and remote Modbus auto-assign save

Each AT-G-ALERT refrigerant gas sensor is monitored centrally for three different alarm conditions:

Devices in Alarm screen will list a single Device/Room tile for each AT-G-ALERT in active alarm. Each tile will also indicate the severity status and network details for the AT-G-ALERT.
Devices in Fault screen will list the Floor/Room location, status, and network details for each AT-G-ALERT found to be in fault.
Comm. Error screen will list the Floor/Room location, status, and network details for each affected AT-G-ALERT.

Example of a small network

Please refer to the AquiTron AT-G-ALERT-C Installation and Operation Instructions or contact our technical department for design and application support

AT-G-ALERT-C-small network

Supporting products



Refrigerant gas leak detector for occupied spaces

Click for Installation & Operation Instructions
Click for Datasheet

Ethernet Network Switch

An Ethernet network switch is used to provide connectivity between the AT-G-ALERT-C Controller and individual gateways.

Click for Installation & Operation Instructions
Click for Datasheet


A gateway is used to create small networks of AT-G-ALERT Refrigerant Leak Detectors (up to 15 per gateway) to ease installation and troubleshooting.

Click for Installation & Operation Instructions
Click for Datasheet

Modbus EZ-Wire Kit

Perfectly sized and stripped, pre-bonded wire provides faster, more consistent installation to the AT-G-ALERT Modbus port.

Click for Installation & Operation Instructions
Click for Datasheet